Thursday, May 12, 2011

Blog from Our Resident OT

Hey y'all. This is Angie. I just want to thank you all so much for following our blog. We are having such a wonderful time but miss you all so much. We are excited to share all of our stories with you when we get home but will be sad to leave this place. The people are amazing and God is doing such great things here. This trip is truely a life changing one. We are contantly being tested but constantly being rewarded.

This morning was quite a test for some of us. This morning we sent out our last two hunting teams. The first one left around 3:30am to start their hunt at 4am. The second one started shortly after and all hunters were succssful! Glenn was even able to get an ostritch! It's amazing to know that so many of us were able to participate in these hunting trips in order to provide the people of Badplaas with a greatly needed source of protein.

When we arrived at clinic today we saw what we had been anticipating all week...a full clinic! Pepole were lined up and waiting. We were able to treat 180 patients and dental was able to pull 40 teeth. There was never a slow moment, we had to close the door at 1pm in order to see all the patients that were waiting by 5pm. We were able to see so many diagnoses and conditions but most of all we were able to pray (multiple times) with every patient and bring a lot of them to Lord. Pastor Chris and the whole evangelism team were amazing in their ability to explain Christ and salvation to the new Christians. The faces of those people were unforgettable. You could see the joy and love of God in them and knew that this would be a changing moment in their lives.

Back home I work as an occupational therapist and during this trip I've been able to provide a unique service. I've educated patients on proper lifting techniques, proper posture, strengthening exercises, basic stretches and also educated and treated patients with more complex problems. Towards the end of the day I was getting tired and ready to head back to Prayer Mountain when I noticed a woman waiting in the pharmacy. She had obviously had a stroke and she confirmed that when I talked to her. Her husband told me that she was having trouble with her arm being "out of socket" which is a common problem after a stroke. He asked if I had anything to help that. I said that in America I did but that in South Africa we would have to improvise. I wrote a prescription for a basic sling and educated her husband on how to properly support her arm. I also noticed that she was having trouble walking with her cane and she told me she had fallen before and broken her hip before. I asked if I could use an ACE wrap and technique to hold her toe up when she walked and she said yes. When she walked it was amazingly different and so much safer. She and her husband were so greatful! I've never felt so proud to help someone with something so simple. God is good!
I can't tell you all what an amazing group of people are here. I'm so blessed to be here with them. All of them have special talents and special children of God. You should be proud of the person that you are supporting. They have all welcomed me in like family and will forever be in my heart. Thank you all so much!

PS: I love and miss you Chris. I can't wait to see you. I hope the Police Academy is going well. I'm so proud of you! Can't wait to get home and finally celebrate our engagement!!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the update, what an amazing story. I'm assuming that is the picture of the woman you helped. Very neat to see God using you all to help the people down there and have such an impact in their lives.

    Shannon, I miss you and love you. Take care.

