Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Prayer for This Week

If you'd like to join us in praying this week, here's some specific ways that we are praying...

1) For our group.  That each of us would remember that God has made us unique, and has a specific reason for calling each one of us to go on this mission trip together. Pray that God would show you what He needs you to do for Him and His people in South Africa (if you're not already sure). Pray that we all remember the excitement we felt at the beginning of this journey, and can hold on to that when times seem to be tough. God WILL provide everything we need for this trip. He has gone ahead of us and taken care of everything, we just have to trust Him and meet Him where He's working.

2) For the people we will encounter. Pray for those we will have the honor to minister to, both medically and spiritually. That God would already be softening and opening their hearts to receive His perfect love.

Thank-you for your prayer support!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for having this blog, and I offer my respect and admiration for all of you who are going: You are acting in love and courage, to make a difference in this world, to bless those people in greatest need. You are God's hands and feet, delivering the answers to the Africans' prayers.
    I am praying for you all, that you will seek God and His guidance for you and your life as you prepare the blessing you will bring.
