Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Clinic Day 2 (and some hunting)

Hey Family and Friends! This is Shannon! Thanks so much for following our blog! You have no clue how much it means to us and the encouragement we receive as we hear your comments on the way to clinic each morning!

Isn't it amazing when God decides to use the toughest of circumstances to show just how BIG he is! Today I was present as Dr. Mikola and Jessica shared with a patient that her HIV Test was positive. Wow. Talk about a kairos moment. Our hearts all were heavy and eyes full of tears as we watched this lady in her early 30's process this statement. HIV Positive. I wasn't really sure at first how to handle this life-changing news. I thought numbing and extraxting teeth from a four-year old yesterday was God pushing me to my limit. Boy was I wrong. The patient wanted to know how far advanced she was, if she had fulll-blown AIDS and how long until she would be sick. Her questions were answered as fully as possible and we did the only thing we were certain to do; we prayed! She asked for us to pray for healing. We did just that. We prayed in the name of our Almighty Healer. We prayed that if healing wasn't in his will, that he would protect heart heart, her mind and provide a peace that passes all understanding. We prayed for compliance in taking her medication and she would not be stigmatzied in her community. We prayed that God would shine a light through her in her community despite her circumstance.

We then sat and watched the worry and concern on her face as an interpreter provided HIV counseling. The interpreter expressed that she was really concerned about how her husband would respond to the news. We laid hands on her once again and prayed that God would start preparing her husband's heart for the news and that she would come to understand that God uses all situations for good and his glory. We prayed that she would understand that Christ was her hope.

Right before she walked away, I touched her leg gently and asked the interpreter to please tell her that the prayers for her would not stop today in South Africa, they would be carried back to the States where we would continue to pray for her. She smiled the biggest smile I've ever seen and had tears rolling down her face. In that moment, I saw God's hope written all over her face. We could see his light shining through and covering a dark situation.

As we continue through the week, please pray as God continues to move and we process all that is occurring in beautiful Badplass!

On the Clinic Front - We saw 120 patients today and an additional 30 went through dental! Every single patient was prayed over multiple times throughout clinic!

On another sidenote, our team has been heading to a vast and gorgeous reserve to hunt impala! Thus far, sixteen people have gone! All the meat will be donated to the village which is a blessing since their diets are protein-deficient! We look forward to sharing my "impala reflexive leg" and Elise's "Big Buck" story, among many more, upon our arrival home! :)

And... a little shout out:
***Rather selfishly, I, Garrett would like to wish his wife, Lauren, a tremendously happy 25th birthday today!! I'm the luckiest man in the world to have you as my wife (and future mother of our child) and wish so badly I was there to enjoy this day with you. I love you and can't wait to be back to see you!****


  1. Wow, what a day today! Loved reading your post. We, here in the states, can imeediately start praying for the HIV lady, too! So happy you are able to share the GOOD NEWS with the people in South Africa. God has divine appointments already set up for you there with particular individuals!! Today was one of them!

  2. Words cannot express how proud I am of each one of yall. It is absolutely amazing what yall are being able to do with and for the people in South Africa. I know they will forever be grateful and yall will remain very close to their hearts. As always, yall are in our constant prayers and we cannot wait to hear all the stories when yall get back!

    Brandi and David, I love yall and cannot wait to see/hear from yall! And I've already got the okay from school and work to miss a day so I'll definitely be picking you up! And both mama and I have called and checked on the Belle today and they said she was doing just fine and she's being good. There's one girl who thinks Belle doesn't like her but that's normal haha .. thought you would like to know!

  3. The story of that young woman was so poignant. Praise God that you all were there to give her a support group upon realizing her condition and raise her concerns to the Father. We will pray for her and for you all to have peace in the hardship you are witnessing so as not to feel convicted for what we are born into, but rather convicted to do something about it. So awesome that you are sharing His love and His gift...keep on bringing the glory!

  4. p.s.-hope you all also are feeling the love and support from our prayers. specifically, love you so much and am so grateful for what you're doing Ash ;) from me and the fam, and Doodle

  5. Garrett, thanks so much for my birthday wishes (I know you really meant 27th birthday :)!! You are the best and I can't wait to see you in a week!!!!! Hunting impala this year and not blesbok?? Can't wait to hear the stories. Y'all are in my prayers along with the people you treat and witness to!!

  6. Melanie, we love you. We are praying for all of you. May God bless you and your team for the love and care that you guys are doing.

  7. Melanie,
    God is good and He always put you in the right places at the right time. This is a blessing and an experience that you guys will always reflect back on.Pray as you treat each person and God will direct you. We are proud of you. Grandma had a great Mother's Day.I will continue to pray for all of you. Mom

  8. Thank you so much for the updates. Please tell Corky his favorite cousin, Leigh, misses and loves him bunches!!

    Leigh Gregory

  9. Thank you all for the continuous daily updates.

    Christina...unfortunately things here hasn't been as exciting. Had my dental cleaning today...NO CAVITIES...YESSSSS! The power converter and adapters came today...just in time right? That's about it. I hope you are enjoying yourself and finding a strong appreciation for the career you are pursuing. I miss you and love you!

  10. Greetings to the mission team members! I just wanted to let you know that my mother and I are praying for you daily.

    Hey Melanie! During my morning praise and worship this week, I have been listening to the same song over and over. The songwriter states “ I could have lost the faith. I could have fallen from his Grace. But I can say that I’m still here and it’s by the grace of GOD. GOD kept his hands of mercy all around me. I’m still here."

    I have been meditating on GOD’s grace and his mercy. We both know the situation with my mother. Even when the situation was at its scariest point, GOD was a healer. He was a healer then and he is now. I’m touching and agreeing in the name of JESUS with the team. Hallelujah!

    Be Blessed and take care …Calondra

  11. Shan,
    Thanks for sharing the updates! What a moving story. Its so neat to see how God is using you all there. I am praying for you and all the team over there. Take care!


  12. Hey Shannon, you did a wonderful job of describing what that woman was going through and what is up against her. Tough situations! Will be praying for her and the effects it will have on her family and community. What a way to share the Lord's love to someone who's life is so uncertain. Praying for all you workers and that you will stay healthy to be there for Africa!

  13. Hello All! (Especially Micah and Amanda Nichols :)) So encouraged to be able to read this blog and know that God is using all of you in tremendous ways. Praise God for HIS healing, and the lives you are touching! Loved seeing the pictures of Micah playing basketball. Praying for you, brother. Love you and Amanda! Praying for ALL of you on this trip! Love Hannah

  14. hey sweetie miss you much...i spent most of my day at the doctors with Mother...all is well with her you know the drill, if its not one thing its another. Hope everything is going well with you out there. your father sends his love and is very proud of what you are doing. I will wrie you soon.

    Love your mom and dad!

  15. hello sister...I just wanted to make you laugh for today. When mama was sending you her message daniel asked if her could snd grandmama Bernice an e-mail.lol if you could do that it wold be amazing. your nephews sends lots of hugs and kisses and desean has some smiles waiting for you when you get back. ttyl :-)
