Monday, May 2, 2011

Quick Trip Recap

For our new followers, Welcome! Here's a quick recap of our trip:
               We'll be gone from May 6th-16th. Our team of 30 medical professionals, students, and pastors will partner with a local ministry called Emoyeni (, which takes care of orphans whose parents died of AIDS.  Over 24% of South Africa’s population is HIV positive.  Where we will be, in Mpumalanga, over 36,000 children have lost one or both parents to HIV/AIDS.  In addition to the AIDS epidemic, children are dying every day because of childhood diseases that are preventable and curable. 
The purpose of this trip is to minister to the spiritual and medical needs of the people of Badplaas.  For the past four years, 1-2 medical teams per year have been sent to this same area and have succeeded in providing ongoing medical care for over 1,000 people in a few villages there.   We bring with us a huge mobile clinic, with over $100,000 in medications, surgical equipment, and supplies.  We give everyone free medical exams, treatments, dental care, glasses, any needed medication up to a year’s supply, and minor surgeries – whatever they need.  Many of the children have parasitic infections that can be cured with one pill, but without our help they would never be able to afford it.   We also teach them about sanitation, how to avoid transmission of HIV, and much more.  
While meeting the physical needs of South Africans is a major goal of this trip, the primary purpose is to share the love of Jesus.  Our desire is to bring hope to the hopeless, to minister the peace of Christ to those who live in daily turmoil, to bring joy to the people who know much sorrow. As we seek to bring physical healing to the villages of Mpumalanga, we are praying that God would use us to bring spiritual healing as well. 

4 days and counting!


  1. Hi everyone! I am Shannon Heiling's aunt in law. I am so proud of all of you! I have always dreamed of doing what you are doing and I feel it is one of God's highest callings. I will be following faithfully to your blog and praying fervently for the success of the mission. Bless all of you! Terri Larson

  2. off we go...into the wild blue yonder!
